Quelques publications disponibles "On line":

  • "Programme d'échecs de championnat : architechture logicielle, synthèse de fonctions d'evaluations, parallélisme de recherche" ( fichier postscript compréssé) Phd Thesis from University Of Paris 8, January 1995. (En Français dans le texte)
    Subjects : Minimax Search, Extension Heuristics, Forward Pruning Heuristics, Parallel Search, Chess Evaluation, Learning ...
  • "Frenchess : A Cray T3D at the 8th World Computer Chess Championship" M.-F. Baudot, J.-C. Weill, J.-L. Seret, M. Gondran, PostScript file ( On-line version )
    This paper presents our work on parallel search algorithms at the University of paris 8 and the Direction des Etudes et Recherches (E.D.F.). It focuses on our parallel chess program "Frenchess" which running on the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique 128 processors T3D, just finished third of a field of 24 at the 8th World Computer Chess Championship in Hong Kong. (May 25 -- May 30 1995).
  • "The ABDADA Distributed Minimax Search " ( PostScript file ) Which appeared in ACM CSC'96 Copyright(c)1995 by ACM, Inc.
    This paper presents our parallel minimax search algorithm and the results we add on a 32 nodes Connection Machine 5 and a 128 processors CRAY T3d.
  • "Experiments With the NegaC* Search" In Heuristics Programming in Artificial Intelligence 2, D.N.L. Levy, D.F. Beal (Eds) 1991, pp. 174-187. ( PostScript file )
    How to derive the minimax value of a game tree search by successive call of minimal windows searches. Strongly related to the new MTD(F) search. It is shown also some comparison on the Othello Endgame problem
  • "How Hard is the Correct Coding of An Easy Endgame" In Advances in Computer Chess VII, 1994, H.J. van den Herikm, I.S. Herschberg, J.W.H.M. Uiterwijk (Eds) pp. 163--175. ( PostScript file )
    Induce tree learning methods tried on a King and Queen versus King and Queen endgame. Is it easy to learn a correct evaluation function ?
  • incotel@calva.net